Monday, May 23, 2016

yum undo installation - howto

Get the package install/uninstall history like:
yum history list

Now, undo specific history:
yum history undo <number>

Where <number>, is taken from ID number in "yum history list".

Thursday, May 5, 2016

python-cheetah in rhel7

Facing error related to python-cheetah ( actually a yum installation error during cinder installation).

You need to enable as below:

Source Link:

Enabling the Optional, Extras, and RH Common channels on RHEL

If using RHEL, then RDO needs the OptionalExtras, and RH Common channels to be enabled:

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rh-common-rpms

Now, try installing python-cinder.noarch , it should work.

gluster geo-replication with non-root user

A quick guide to setup non-root geo-replication setup:

mount broker setup :
Run the below commands in SLAVE Host

// Assumption:  geoacct user added (with geogrp as group).

// create a directory as below:
mkdir /var/mountbroker_root

// change permission as below - ( ensure /var directory is having default permission )
chmod 0711 /var/mountbroker_root

gluster system:: execute mountbroker opt mountbroker-root  /var/mountbroker_root

// geogrp is group of geoacct user.
gluster system:: execute mountbroker opt geo-replication-log-group geogrp

gluster system:: execute mountbroker opt rpc-auth-allow-insecure on

// tv2 is slave volume , geoacct is slave user to which session is created
gluster system:: execute mountbroker user geoacct tv2

// Now restart glusterd - to make effect of above settings
killall glusterd; glusterd -LDEBUG

// check glusterd.vol file  - (optional)  just to ensure above settings are in place

Run at MASTER Host: (as root user) 
ssh-copy-id  geoacct@gfvm4
where gfvm4 is Slave Host

Now Run at Slave Host:
/usr/local/libexec/glusterfs/ geoacct tv1 tv2

// To review the settings at Slave Host: (optional)
gluster system:: execute mountbroker info

Now setup geo-replication at Master Host:
gluster volume geo-replication tv1 geoacct@gfvm4::tv2 create push-pem

// Check status - It should be created:
gluster volume geo-replication tv1 geoacct@gfvm4::tv2 status

// Start the session:
gluster volume geo-replication tv1 geoacct@gfvm4::tv2 start

// Check status  - it should be Started :
gluster volume geo-replication tv1 geoacct@gfvm4::tv2 status

// If required , you can stop session as below:
gluster volume geo-replication tv1 geoacct@gfvm3::tv2 stop

// You can delete session as below , if you wish so :) :
gluster volume geo-replication tv1 geoacct@gfvm3::tv2 delete