Tuesday, September 27, 2016

yahoo mail retreival from gmail

I have configured yahoo mail retrieval into gmail account via POP settings.
But started facing this error in gmail:
Getting error, Server denied POP3 access for the given username and password. POP access is limited to Yahoo Mail Plus subscribers.?

Although I tried configuring it again, yahoo login fails inside gmail.

Figured out, you need to enable "Allow apps that use less secure sign-in" 
in yahoo security settings.

Then you can configure yahoo account from inside gmail. J :)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Control Android mobile from PC

Just stumbled across this app: airdroid

You can control just about anything in your Mobile from PC.

Install app from play store.

Then, visit this url in your PC:
then, scan the QR code using "airdroid" app(from mobile)..thats it.

Now you can control your mobile from www.web.airdroid.com(from your pc).

Possible to:
Download/Upload of files, Controlling camera, uninstall of app, images view, etc.,

Thursday, September 22, 2016

convert pdf to image format or viceversa

convert pdf to png(image) file:

pdftoppm -rx 300 -ry 300 -png file.pdf prefix



To convert image(s) to pdf use:

convert Image1.jpg Image2.jpg  myfile.pdf

So, myfile.pdf will contain both the image files in pdf format.


Also, to reduce the size of the image by 50%

convert  -resize 50% source.jpg  destination.jpg

Note: it can be png format too.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

cockpit project - view system info in browser

Cockpit software is to view your system info. in a browser.
Information like CPU, Memory, Networking, Storage, Users, etc.,

Install and setup instructions for Fedora :

1. Install like:
dnf install cockpit.x86_64

2. Then, Enable it like:
sudo systemctl enable  cockpit.socket

3. Start cockpit service
systemctl start  cockpit.socket

4. Enable firewall access
firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit

5. Make it permanent
firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent

6. Now open the browser and access it GUI:

 You can access following components: