Monday, January 22, 2018

ansible logging and debugging

If you pass the -v flag to ansible-playbook on the command line, you'll see the stdout and stderr for each task executed:

$ ansible-playbook -v playbook.yaml

You can also choose -vvv for more verbose output.

Check  for more options:
#ansible-playbook --help | less
Ansible also has built-in support for logging.
Add the following lines to your ansible configuration file(/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg):



Sunday, January 21, 2018

Git aliases

edit ~/.gitconfig as below:

        fetch = fetch -v
co = checkout

You can do the same using command line too: (which will in turn update ~/.gitconfig file)

# git config --global checkout

You can list/verify same using the command

# git config --global -l
alias.fetch=fetch -v

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Lauch printer from terminal (fedora)

From fedora OS, if you want to launch printer control with root access, do this:

sudo gnome-control-center printers