Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Placement of argument matters - in few commands


For a command like podman, where the argument is placed matters.

for example:
 podman run -it  5a934bfaaf12 /bin/bash

This works.


If you run the command like
podman run   5a934bfaaf12 -it /bin/bash  -> This fails  where "-it"  is after the image hash. 

It fails saying:
Error: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"-it\": executable file not found in $PATH"
: OCI runtime error


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

Password prompted with update in sudoers file

Password still prompted inspite of update in sudoers file ?

Check for any comment written there is space between # and the first word. 
If there is no space between # and the first word it is no longer a comment. 

By opening with gvim, I have identified the issue. 
Need to extra cautious even if you put a simple comment :)

I have a rule updated in "includedir /etc/sudoers.d" directory and it was improperly commented. 
With proper commenting(adding space) it is fixed. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Kubernetes concepts

Topics covered: 

Kubernetes components

Kubernetes building blocks


Batch job

Configmap secrets

Ingress controller

Application health checks

Advanced kubernetes scheduling


Advanced volume management

Role based access control

Quota management 


Custom resource definition

Logging and Debugging

Monitoring with Prometheus



Microservice tracing


Kubeadm reset - To reset the node state

To know the last output:
kubeadm token create --print-join-command

Kubernetes components

API server
Controller manager


API server 
All administrative tasks performed via API server. 
User/Operator sends REST commands to API server, which validates and processes 
The requests.

Key-value store - cluster state stored. 
Either with master or externally configured.
Schedules work to different worker nodes.

Schedule a work on a node where label disk == ssd is set

Works in terms of pods and services.
Controller manager:

Runs all the controllers. 
  • Node controller
  • Replication controller
  • Endpoints controller
  • Service account and Token controllers
Cloud Controller manager 
  Manage the underlying cloud provider. 

  Loadbalancer / EBS volumes in AWS. 
3 main componenets
  • Kubelet
  • Kube-proxy
  • Container runtime
Takes set of podspecs that are provided through various mechanism and 
Ensure containers in podspecs are running and healthy.
Helps in providing k8s service abstraction.
  • Network rules, and forwarding incoming connection

Container runtime
  • Main software responsible for running containers.

Pods and service used by kubernetes services.

4149 / TCP Kubelet
10250/TCP kubelet
10255/TCP  kubelet
9099/TCP calico-felix
6443/TCP  kube-apiserver

Static pods - system pods 
  • Pods not under the control of API server 

/etc/kubernetes/manifest/ <static pods> 
  • Make use of static ip - hostnetwork - 

1 vcpu  - 1000 millicores


// to delete
Kubeadm reset

// master
Kubeadm init

// from the worker node
Kubeadm join

kubectl --config = /path

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/config 

// default


Frontend + backend -> different type of scaling -> so different pods better.

Multiple containers in a pod -> login + transaction - complimentary in nature. runs together.

IP is per pod (not container).

CNI plugins

api<group> / version/ resource

// to view configuration
kubectl config view

// create / modify existing
kubectl apply 

Kubernetes Building blocks

  • Pods
  • Replicasets
  • Deployments
  • Labels, selectors, Annotation
    • Annotations like label but 'without selector'
  • Services
    • - not tied to deployment 
  • Daemonsets
    • On each node 
    • No replica count - only one on a node
    • Used in monitoring logging


Way to divide the cluster resources between multiple users.

Name of resources are unique within the namespace. (means different namespace you can use same name).

Batch jobs

One or more pods successfully run and then terminate.

Deleting the job -> cleanup the pods created by it.

Configmaps and secrets: 

Configmaps are designed to work more conveniently with data
That does not container sensitive information.

Key-value pairs.

Can be used as

  • Environment variables
  • Command line args for a container.
  • Config files in a volume

Configmaps as volumes.

Store and manage sensitive information like credentials and encryption keys.

Image pull secret

Ingress controllers:

Services and pods have IPs only routable by the cluster network.

An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster services.

  • Can be configured to give services externally :
    • Reachable URLs
    • Load balance traffic
    • Terminate SSL
    • Name based virtual hosting.

kind: Ingress




Application health checks

Liveness probe

Readiness probe


Schedule work (pods) onto computing resources (nodes)

// It is not about running the pod , it is kublet’s  job.

Assigning pod to a node.

Pod auto scaling:
Horizontal pod autoscaling
Custom metrics

Graceful shutdown 
Prestop and termination grace period
Drain node

Pod affinity and anti-affinity

Pod disruption budget

Blue green and canary deployment

Taint toleration

Network policy


For stateful workloads like databases.

Manages deployment and scaling of the pods in ordered manner by maintaining a unique, sticky
Identity for each of their pods.

Statefulsets manage pods that are based on an identical container spec.

Pods in a statefulset are not interchangeable.
Each pod has a persistent identifier that it maintains across scheduling.

Kind: Statefulset

  • Pod name does not change
  • Order in which pods comes up

Storage management



dynamic provisioning

Storage classes

Allows you to mount multiple volumes inside the same directory.
Also, mounting a single volume multiple times with different sub-paths.

Role Based Access control (RBAC)

User -> Authentication -> Authorization -> Admission control (valid request ?) -> k8s objects

Users - not first class citizens in k8s.

  • Normal users
  • Service account

Service accounts with default names get created as we create a namespace.

User defined service accounts can be created as well, which we can attach to the pod running in the same namespace.

Dashboard  special  access API server -> needs service account

Context ->  Cluster  + User 

kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl config use-context <context name>

Operations possible with kubectl:
  • Create
  • Get
  • Delete
  • List
  • Update
  • Edit
  • Patch
  • Watch

RBAC roles
  • Role  - only for namespace
  • ClusterRole - cluster wide

  • RoleBinding - namespace
  • ClusterRoleBinding - cluster wide

Rolebinding  -> grants permission defined in a role to a user or a set of users.

Quota Resource limits

Resources request

Resource Limit

OOM killer

Resource Quota namespace

Storage limit

Default memory limits and requests

Quotas for API objects


- yum in k8s world.

Manage kubernetes applications. 
Define, install and upgrade complex k8s applications.

Helm charts are easy to create, version, share and publish.




CustomResourceDefinitions (CRD) -> plugging in your own managed object and application
as if it were a native k8s component. 

kubectl can be used to manage.

Custom controllers. 
  • Can work with any resources, but effective with custom resources.

logging and Debugging

kubectl logs and exec

kubectl logs <podname > -c <container name>

kubectl get events

kubectl describe pod <podname>


journalctl -fu kubelet

kubectl --v=6 get pods verbose

v=7, v=8

Monitoring with Prometheus


  • Service mesh which provides platform to connect, manage and secure microservices

Network of deployed services with load balancing, service to service authentication, monitoring and more.

Deploying a special sidecar proxy along with the service that tracks all network communication
between microservices. 

Sidecars are configured and managed by Istio’s control plane functionality.

Traffic shifting:
70% and 30% to two different services.

Istio virtual service
Istio rule

Retry logic

Number of retry attempts for an HTTP request
Maximum number of retries with the default or overridden timeout period.




CircleCI workflow

ArgoCD manifest
