Wednesday, December 21, 2022

How to re-enable Chrome Profile Selection on Startup

When using Chrome, I have noticed that the profile selection has stopped appearing. To re-enable it, click on the profile picture next to the URL. You will then see a gear icon, which you should click on. This will show you all of the available profiles. Make sure that the 'Show on startup' option is enabled.

After doing this, when you open Chrome, you will be able to select the desired profile.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Kubernetes learning resource



Refined github


As the name implies a "refined github". Refer for more details


Friday, October 21, 2022

Wheregoes the url - tool to check redirection



Where the link redirects to:   <- input your (tinyurl type) link here. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

To check whether host has KVM support


How to check whether host has KVM support?

virt-host-validate qemu
The sample output is:

  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm exists                                   : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm is accessible                            : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/vhost-net exists                             : PASS
  QEMU: Checking if device /dev/net/tun exists                               : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpu' controller support                         : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpuacct' controller support                     : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpuset' controller support                      : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'memory' controller support                      : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'devices' controller support                     : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'blkio' controller support                       : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for device assignment IOMMU support                         : WARN (Unknown if this platform has IOMMU support)
  QEMU: Checking for secure guest support                                    : WARN (Unknown if this platform has Secure Guest support)

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

கண்ணெதிரே எந்தன் உயிரை காண்பேனோ - Iravin Nizhal song


Live performance:


கண்ணெதிரே  எந்தன் உயிரை காண்பேனோ
உன் புன்னகையில் புனிதம் ஆகி போவேனோ

செம்மலர்கள் யாவும் உன் பாதம் பூக்குமே
அந்த வானம் உனதன்பாகுமே

தகுமோ என் ஜீவனே
தகுமோ என் ஜீவனே


கண்ணெதிரே  எந்தன் உயிரை காண்பேனோ
உன் புன்னகையில் புனிதம் ஆகி போவேனோ


பால்வீதியில் ஆயிரம்
பொழிந்திடும் நிலவுகள்
தாழ் பணிந்துந்தன்
பால் முகம் பார்த்திட ஏங்குமே

பூமி சாமி
மோட்சமே ஆயினும்
நீயே என் தாயே


கண்ணெதிரே  எந்தன் உயிரை காண்பேனோ
உன் புன்னகையில் புனிதம் ஆகி போவேனோ

செம்மலர்கள் யாவும் உன் பாதம் பூக்குமே
அந்த வானம் உனதன்பாகுமே

தகுமோ என் ஜீவனே
தகுமோ என் ஜீவனே


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Stop Sugar - 5 simple steps



How to Stop Eating Sugar: 5 SIMPLE Steps to Get Control - Dr. Becky Gillaspy

Notes taken from above link:


5 steps

1. Don't tell I cannot give up sugar.
    it is addictive -
    No shame

    Put sugar in the past.

 Life is excellent without sugar.

2. Have short term goals

  ( I'll never eat sugar - not good - putting too much pressure on giving up )
   Set a goal - just today
   Everyday say just today.

3. Stabilize blood sugar

    cookies, cakes and candies - avoid.

   Add blood sugar - non starchy veg.
                     - healthy fats
                     - protein

    Helps prevent crashes - stabilize Blood Sugar - Helps to stop craving

Refer [1] : 0,1,2,3 checklist

4. Avoid extreme hunger. avoid spiking craving.

   (fastening, gym, etc - all in one - quite difficult to do - It is like setting up for failure)

   Take time to stabilize blood sugar.

5. Use stoppers.

    an item drink, activity - allow you to separate from eating.

   Brush your teeth - mint tea after meal.

   It changes the taste in mouth - less desirable to eat sweet.

   stopper brings acceptance.

   stopper:  is a pattern disruptor. move into acceptance
   meal is over.

pie - short lived.
living fit & healthy - life long freedom.

Choose the best one :) 


0 Sugar. Avoid added sugar, sugary treats and foods that contain sugar as one of the top three ingredients. 

1 Large Salad. Include up to 4 cups of any salad greens and an assortment of non-starchy vegetables (e.g. artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, watercress) 

2 cups cooked Non-Starchy Vegetables. Any vegetables mentioned above as well as asparagus, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, eggplant, endive, garlic, green beans, kelp, okra, seaweed, snow peas, spaghetti or summer squash, swiss chard, zucchini

3 Hours Before Bed, Stop Eating. Determine your normal bedtime and count back three hours.


Friday, March 18, 2022

Editing networks using virsh


Editing networks using virsh

virsh net-edit somenetwork
virsh net-destroy somenetwork
virsh net-start somenetwork

Unless you destroy and start it again it won't be effect. 

To verify the changes:

virsh net-dumpxml somenetwork 

Creating storage pool using virsh

Creating storage pool using virsh:

virsh pool-create-as default dir --target /var/lib/libvirt/images

virsh pool-dumpxml default > storage-pool.xml

virsh pool-define storage-pool.xml 

virsh pool-autostart default

Friday, March 11, 2022

Default username fedora - AWS


Default username for fedora instance in AWS: fedora  

For ubuntu OS, it is ubuntu.

For all others, ec2-user

Please refer AWS documentation for more authentic detail :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Copy excluding specific file types


Copy/backup excluding specific file types: 

rsync -av -e ssh --exclude='*.qcow2' <directory to copy>  root@centos7:/home/username/

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Removing virsh VMs and associated storage contents


To delete a VM and its corresponding storage: (Use with caution you are deleting all the associated storage)

# virsh undefine --domain {VM_NAME_HERE} --remove-all-storage

 To delete the snapshots too:

 # virsh undefine --domain {VM_NAME_HERE} --delete-snapshots --remove-all-storage


 Another safer approach is

# virsh list --all# virsh dumpxml  {VM_NAME_HERE} // get the corresponding image.

# virsh undefine --domain {VM_NAME_HERE}

# rm -rf  /path/to/image


I faced a error like this:

error: Refusing to undefine while domain managed save image exists

First run this command:

sudo virsh managedsave-remove  --domain <domain name> 

# virsh undefine --domain {VM_NAME_HERE} --remove-all-storage

If you face error saying "cannot define domain with nvram" use --nvram with above command.

# virsh undefine --nvram --domain {VM_NAME_HERE} --remove-all-storage


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

List all resources in a namespace - OpenShift


List all resources in a namespace:


oc api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name |  xargs -t -n 1 oc get --show-kind --ignore-not-found  -n  <YOUR_NAMESPACE_NAME_HERE>

Concluding mind


A free mind never concludes

A mind that is full of conclusions is a dead mind, it is not a living mind.  A living mind is a free mind, learning, never concluding.

Krishnamurti in Ojai, California 1973, Talk 3

ImageContentSourcePolicy in OpenShift

ImageContentSourcePolicy (ICSP)

ICSP is used to redirect request to a registry to its mirror. 


kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy


  name: ubi8repo



  - mirrors:



  - mirrors:



  - mirrors:



Just for reference:

Jump server - what is it?

Jump server: 

A jump server (a.k.a jump host/ jump box) is 
a system on a network used to access and manage devices in a separate security zone.

A jump server is a hardened and monitored device 

  that spans two dissimilar security zones 

  and provides a controlled means of access between them.


DevOps teams use it as a way to establish a clear funnel through which traffic passed to their infrastructure


Debug node in openshift

$ oc get nodes

<node details >

 $oc debug node/ip-<info >

Starting pod/ip-...

To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`

Pod IP:

If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.



sh-4.4# chroot /host

sh-4.4# cat /etc/containers/registries.conf 

unqualified-search-registries = [ '']



sh-4.4# exit


sh-4.4# exit

Removing debug pod ...

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Pancreas - TED intro.


 - beneath the ribs 

 - acts like a personal health coach.


Control sugar level.

produces a special pancreatic juice that release nutrients from the food.


Just behind stomach. 


 - breakdown the food eat. 

 - aids digesting by producing special tonic made of water. 

    sodium bicarbonate and digestive enzymes. 

sodium bicarbonate neutralizes stomach's natural acidity. 

so that , digestive enzyme can perform their jobs. 


lipase(enzyme) breaks down fatty substance

proteas(enzyme) splits protein

amylase(enzyme) divides  carbs to energy rich sugar 


Most of those nutrients absorbed into the blood stream. enrich the body. 


Pancreas another critical task:

 controls amount of sugar in blood

  uses hormones called:

         1. insulin 

          2. and glucagon 

    which are produced in special cells call the "Islets of Langerhans".


too much / too little of sugar - life threatening


blood - flushed with sugar after big meals

to bring us normal , pancreas release insulin.

excess sugar to cells - as energy source or stored for later.

insulin also tell liver to shutdown sugar production. 

blood sugar is low - pancreas release glucagon

 - tells body  to release stored sugar to blood stream. 

This interplay between insulin and glucagon  keeps sugar balanced.


faulty pancreas - cannot coach. 

 healthy balance destroyed. 

If weakened by disease, production of insulin in reduced/ extinguished

 - condition named "diabetes"


 Without regular insulin release - sugar builds up in blood. 

so hardening blood vessels and causing heart attacks, kidney failure, stroke. 

same lack of insulin deprive cell of energy rich sugar need to grow and function. 

diabetes - high liver of glucagon - even more sugar circulate. 


Without pancreas, sugar can go haywire. 

pancreas plays major role and need our support :) 










Liver - Ted intro. video

Liver - 1.4 kg 

        - 24 hours a day.

        - storehouse as well as manufacturing hub as well as processing plant. 


Filters body blood - regular shipment from two sources

     - "hepatic artery" delivers blood from the heart. 

     - "hepatic portal vein" brings it from the intestine. 

       - this double delivery fills the liver with nutrients 

         - sorts, processes and stores with the help of tiny processing unit (lobules).


Both blood flows also deliver the oxygen that the liver needs to function. 


Blood received from intestine contains carbs, fats, vitamins, other nutrients dissolved in it from the food consumed.

need processing in  different ways. 

  For example, carbs - convert to sugar - for energy 

  leftover nutrient  don't immediately required - liver keep it in the storage facility. - (like a pantry). 


Blood also contains toxins. by-products as well. 

convert into product - whisk away them  - channel through kidney/ intestine to excrete.


make blood plasma protein - transport fatty acids and help from blood cots. 

make cholesterol that helps the body create harmones. 

Vitamin D 

substance that help digesting.


Most important product - BILE 

Livers cells called hepatocyctes - 

convert  toxic  into greenish liquid. 

Bile funneled to small container below liver called gallbladder - trickle to intestine to help breakdown fats, destroy microbes, neutralize extra stomach acid. 

Bile also helps to move toxin out of the body. 


Avoid overburdening of Liver. One way is to have moderate diet. 


The Liver is also one of the few organs that can regenerate if damaged or severed. Even if you cut out most of it, and only had 1/3rd left, it can still fully recover.





Friday, January 7, 2022

git push using token - example


$ git remote set-url  origin https://<YOUR TOKEN HERE><YOUR USERNAME HERE>/<YOUR REPO NAME HERE>.git  

$ git push --set-upstream origin <YOUR NEW BRANCH IF ANY HERE> 

$ git push