How to Stop Eating Sugar: 5 SIMPLE Steps to Get Control - Dr. Becky Gillaspy
Notes taken from above link:
5 steps
1. Don't tell I cannot give up sugar.
it is addictive -
No shame
Put sugar in the past.
Life is excellent without sugar.
2. Have short term goals
( I'll never eat sugar - not good - putting too much pressure on giving up )
Set a goal - just today
Everyday say just today.
3. Stabilize blood sugar
cookies, cakes and candies - avoid.
Add blood sugar - non starchy veg.
- healthy fats
- protein
Helps prevent crashes - stabilize Blood Sugar - Helps to stop craving
Refer [1] : 0,1,2,3 checklist
4. Avoid extreme hunger. avoid spiking craving.
(fastening, gym, etc - all in one - quite difficult to do - It is like setting up for failure)
Take time to stabilize blood sugar.
5. Use stoppers.
an item drink, activity - allow you to separate from eating.
Brush your teeth - mint tea after meal.
It changes the taste in mouth - less desirable to eat sweet.
stopper brings acceptance.
stopper: is a pattern disruptor. move into acceptance
meal is over.
pie - short lived.
living fit & healthy - life long freedom.
Choose the best one :)
0 Sugar. Avoid added sugar, sugary treats and foods that contain sugar as
one of the top three ingredients.
1 Large Salad. Include up to 4 cups of any salad greens and an
assortment of non-starchy vegetables (e.g. artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, celery,
cucumbers, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, watercress)
2 cups cooked Non-Starchy Vegetables. Any vegetables
mentioned above as well as asparagus, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens,
eggplant, endive, garlic, green beans, kelp, okra, seaweed, snow peas, spaghetti
or summer squash, swiss chard, zucchini
3 Hours Before Bed, Stop Eating. Determine your normal
bedtime and count back three hours.